
Launched in November of 2012, this site is a modest attempt at carrying the torch that bostonska.com lit so brightly. We are here to help build community and create awareness around the Boston-area ska, reggae, and rocksteady scene. We aim to capture all of it’s activity today, while honoring those who laid the foundation that got us here. We are here to share news, shows reviews and previews, record reviews, interviews, and maintain a calendar to the best of our abilities. This is about your news, and your scene. Any omissions are unintentional.

If you’re looking for a message board of any sort, we recommend you head to the Boston Ska Facebook group.

If you’ve got news to share of any kind, please email tips (at) bostonska (dot) net.

Contributors Wanted

We can’t do it alone. We’re looking for help with any and all of the following:

  • Updating the concert calendar
  • Show previews and reviews
  • Record reviews
  • Interviews
  • News, both about the Boston ska scene and for the Boston ska scene. We don’t live in a bubble!
  • Commentary and opinions
  • Anything else you think we should be blogging about
  • Graphic design (if it wasn’t too obvious, we could use a hand with this)
  • Web development

Please email jake (at) bostonska (dot) net if you’d like to join the team!

You can also find us on Facebook and Tumblr.

Properties of the same name can be found on Twitter and YouTube but are not operated by the folks who operate this website.