Paper + Plastic is the “vinyl and digital record label with a focus on unique packaging and excellent prints from up-and-coming artists and bands” founded in 2008 by Less Than Jake drummer Vinnie Fiorello. They’ve decided to kick off 2015 (or close out 2014, depending on when you got their newsletter) by giving away 100 songs on a compilation entitled “Greetings From… Paper + Plastick.” The compilation is entirely free in exchange for your email address… Which they then use to send you free tunes all year. It’s a no brainer.
To celebrate the 100th issue of our digital subscription series, we are bringing you something truly special. This is a digital compilation made up of one song from every artist that we’ve featured over the last year and a half. So the tracklist weighs in at a hefty 100 songs and shines the spotlight on a wide variety of tunes.
From some of the current punk/indie rock heavy hitters to your next favorite band, put this bad boy on and you’re set for the next five hours!
Seriously, it clocks in at 4 hours and 40 minutes. That’s 820 MB of of tunes you nerds. Artists of interest on the comp include Big D & The Kids Table, Chad Gilbert (of New Found Glory), Everything Ever (pop/punk from Staten Island), Flatfood 56, Have Nots, Jaya The Cat, Less Than Jake, No Such Noise (NJ punk/ska), Obi Fernandez (of Westbound Train), Red City Radio (covering Less Than Jake), Reed Wolcott (of We Are The Union), Survay Says!, and We Are The Union. That’s just to name a few. It takes some to download, it’s punk heavy, and it’s well worth it.
Head over to the Paper + Plastick page on Limited Run, enter your email address, and get the download started. Then, once you’ve picked out a few bands you really dig, go buy their records, see them play, and support them. Got it?