Jeff Rosenstock’s Tour Van Broken Into, Gofundme Campaign Established

Of all the garbage things that could potentially happen to a band on tour, having equipment stolen is at the intersection of “worst” and “most prevalent” (in this mixed metaphor, language is a physical place, like a city with grid-style streets or some shit. Just roll with it). This is something that seems to happen on a pretty regular basis, as although vans are the types of vehicles most suited for a touring musician they are almost by definition a larger target for someone looking to steal something expensive.

This trend unfortunately continued yesterday, as Jeff Rosenstock and co.’s tour van was broken into while parked overnight in San Francisco. Among clothing and personal items, several guitars and drum equipment was stolen out of the van. In response to this news, the music community banded together and within hours a Gofundme campaign was established to help alleviate the costs of such a devastating loss. In under 24 hours, close to $20,000 has been donated by fans and friends alike, surpassing the initial (admittedly arbitrary) goal of $18,000. Although the goal has been met, you can still show your support by donating on the campaign’s page, especially considering the true cost of the lost gear is still unknown.

Below, check out photos of the lost gear as well as a video of Jeff playing an acoustic version of a new song that was posted to the campaign when it reached it’s initial goal: