LISTEN: Jeff Rosenstock’s Lost-Themed Podcast

Back To the Island | Lost PodcastIf you’re like me, you spent a good chunk of the late 2000s watching the TV show Lost, only to be severely disappointed when all the show’s crazy nonsense that seemed to hint at a bigger picture turned out to be just regular crazy nonsense. In their new podcast Back To The Island, co-hosts Jeff Rosenstock (of Arrogant Sons of Bitches and Bomb the Music Industry fame) and Chris Farren watch episodes of “Lost” out of chronological order, riffing on how the episodes are definitely not as good the second time around. As with anything Jeff Rosenstock, the podcast is not taken too seriously and is filled with sardonic humor, most of which comes from the hosts’ confusion after watching each episode without context. Although every episode has gems of humor, I recommend starting with the third episode, as it is both the funniest and the most concise of the four currently available.

This podcast is additionally available on iTunes, and status updates for new episodes are available via Twitter.  Here’s a video from when Jeff played at the Middle East Downstairs last December.

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