LISTEN: Poor Jeremy’s Debut Album “It Could Always Be Worst”

poor jeremy could always be worst

Well, it turns out local ska/punk favorites Poor Jeremy weren’t pulling our legs when they said this month would be full of important announcements. Just a few hours ago, the band surprise released their debut full length album It Could Always Be Worst on their Bandcamp. The 11-song LP is full to the brim with the catchy, energetic mix of punk and ska that make Poor Jeremy one of the biggest names in the Boston basement scene.

This album’s release comes after this month’s previous news of a browser-based game made with EA Games and the announcement of a five-show tour later this month before the band goes on hiatus. It Could Always Be Worst will be the band’s first release since 2013’s Spare Change EP.

Check out It Could Always Be Worst below, and stay tuned for our review of the album.