Presidents’ Day News Round Up

Got yesterday off? Lucky bastard. Had to work? Hopefully this helps you ease into your week. (I meant to post this yesterday but I went to go see Django and that thing is like 7 hours long. My bad.)

  • Big D and the Kids Table ran a Kickstarter campaign to fund their new record(s). It got funded! But they’re going to fund it themselves anyways? I’m confused.
  • Record Store Day is April 20. Mark your calendars and find a record store or two to get to that day.
  • From the rumor mill: Westbound Train considers recording a cover record! Kidding…
  • Didn’t make it to Johnny D’s for The Pomps and Riki Rocksteady on 2/2? Mark Stern Photography took some great shots of the night.
  • I caught The Slackers in Northampton at Pearl Street on 2/2. The were great and I found some video, posted below the jump.
  • I also had the chance to talk to Bucket from The Toasters about they’re upcoming show at TT The Bear’s. Watch for that post later this week!
  • Are you on Instagram? Tag your photos with #bostonska. Looks like folks have been doing it, but here’s a friendly reminder to keep it up!
  • As always, check out the show calendar! Riki Rocksteady, SuperSka, The Allstonians, Brunt of It, and A Guy Named Guy all have gigs.

The Slackers played one of my favorite songs, “Lazy Woman,” but rarely do they play it live, and that’s okay. BUT someone yelled it out and they played it!

Speaking of my trip to Northampton, I ran into the good people form RI Ska Productions and the guy booking ska out Worcester (my apologies, I didn’t catch your name or your promotion company’s name!). To date I’ve been focusing this site on Boston, including the calendar. This was both because I felt like that’s where the love was most needed and also because I’ve only got so much time to give to this. I’d always prefer to do one thing well versus doing many things poorly (whether or not I’ve accomplished that yet is besides the point). So, Boston folks, leave some thoughts in comments: Should I be listing shows happening in Providence, Worcester, Northampton, or any other towns with whatever radius? And if I do, will you give me a ride to said shows?

(The featured photo showing on the homepage is the cover of the Asbestos Records compilation More Bang For Your Buck Vol III. It’s got nothing to do with this post, other than it’s got a cartoon of George Washington and ska/punk bands on the comp. It’s out of print. But I’ve got a stack of Vol II if you really want it.)