Further cementing the belief that ska is beach music, Reel Big Fish will be headlining the Boston University Senior BBQ on Saturday, May 11. The event runs 7pm to 11pm and we’re not quite sure what “headlining” means. While only open to BU seniors, we couldn’t help but notice that the show takes place outdoors at the BU Beach (see map below).
Reel Big Fish
Review: Reel Big Fish, Pilfers, and Dan Potthast at House of Blues
Do you remember how cold it was Sunday night? It was freezing. But I was going to a show. Which meant I had to strategically layer up. Coat check at the House of Blues doesn’t come cheap and they don’t let you stack items on one hanger. It was also a Sunday night show with 6pm doors. I was pretty nervous it would be one of those shows that starts before everyone arrives and ends nice and early to get the club crowd in. So there I was standing in the freezing cold, not wearing quite enough winter gear, waiting in line to get into the venue at 5:45. By the time I got into the show, I was less than thrilled to be there.
Dan Potthast (Mu330, Dan P and the Bricks, The Stitch Up) was the perfect opener. It was just him on his guitar playing 1 to 2-minute ska/punk tunes. They were catchy, they were clever, and he had the audience. Which is to say he heckled the audience way better than they heckled him. I wish I caught video of that. Particularly he had a great tune I’m not super fluent in his material, but I clearly recognized KKK Highway.
He told the audience that he wrote a tune for each night of the tour. I was able to catch his Boston tune on my phone:
January 2012 News Round Up
And like that, January is halfway over and I’ve been slacking! I’ve got a stack of stuff I’ve been meaning to blog about. Here’s the lite version:
Brunt of It plays at the Middle East Upstairs on February 22 with The Blue Bloods, Dead Friends, A Common Goal, and Penalty Kill. Tickets are 18 and the show is 18+. Brunt of It most recently released All Aboard the Cannabus this past December, available on Bandcamp. See more shows at the calendar.
Brunt of It was also recently added as support to the upcoming Fishbone show at the Sinclair on March 3.
Big D and the Kids Table will be joining Warped Tour 2013. They’ve also been dropping some not-so-subtle hints that they’re ready to record a new record and might have a Kickstarter for you to fund.
Reel Big Fish and Pilfers at House of Blues Jan 27

I’m happy to think about January because I’m entirely too stressed about December. Reel Big Fish and Pilfers return to Boston on January 27 with support from Dan Potthast of Mu330. Anyone who was at Skalapalooza this past October knows that Pilfers is generally a show-stealer. Hopefully they’ll have a longer set this round and possibly play a new tune or two like they a did a few reunions ago… But I should mention Reel Big Fish continues to put on a totally fun show. I’ve seen them a few times (even in a post-Scott world). The new sax player is great and if anything gives them a more “Turn the Radio Off” era horn section and I’m a huge fan of the new record, “Candy-Coated Fury.” Naturally, we all expect some Reel Big Fish/Pilfers on-stage mash-up. (Actually, on the Skalapalooza tour, Nick from Pilfers played keys for Spring Heeled Jack. Maybe he could sit in on a few RBF tunes. HINT HINT.)
I’ve never seen Mu330, but I’ve seen The Stitch Up, Dan P’s pop/punk act and the song-writing is totally the same. The most recent thing he’s done is Dan P and the Bricks which has a new wave/early toasters thing going on. I’m curious to see what he brings to this show.
Ska in the World: Morning Round Up
I’ve been awake for less than an hour and there’s already stuff to report