Suburban Legends Cover “Sweet Caroline” at Recent Royale Gig

Last week, Orange County ska/punk band Suburban Legends played a high energy set to a very participatory audience at Royale. The set was cover heavy and included many of their signature Disney covers. They also played Boston favorite “Sweet Caroline” complete with call-and-response singing and their two piece horn section. In the video below you can watch the audience lovingly sing along and then watch guitarist Brian Klemm stage dive!

One of the ongoing gags of the night was about Boston’s “power fingers” which gets referenced about half way into the video. I don’t totally recall how it went, but the band asked the crowd where they got their awesome power and the audience responded with… the finger.

Now we’d like to think that Suburban Legends prepared this song exclusively for their Boston tour dates, but that’s sadly just not the case. However, we can rest assured that it meant much more to the crowd here than anywhere else.